Most of my Saturday consisted of mowing grass, chopping wood, and hanging out with the dogs at the house I am housing sitting at during this month. In the evening though, I drove out to my church for worship practice for Sunday's morning service. I am playing electric guitar and the kick drum. Every so often I get asked to help out with music at church. And unless I'm out of town, it's really hard to say no. Most of the songs we sing are in Czech (as should be assumed), but sometimes we sing a few songs in English. Whenever we do, it's always super great. I really enjoy worshipping Jesus out here. It is all about Him, His good news, and the glory that is due to Him. I am thankful that to be able to serve in this small way when I can. I can't wait for service tomorrow and to praise the Lord together faithful Czech believers who are so in love with Jesus!
"My mouth is filled with your praise; and with your glory all the day." Psalm 71:8