Never before have I seen so much light in a given day. If you haven't been to Estonia, Latvia, or anywhere close to that latitudinal point, you must go someday. It is beautiful! My team began our journey up north from the Czech Republic on June 24th. Our plan was to visit some Josiah Venture camps that were being held by a few local churches in Estonia and Latvia. Since the drive is quite long to the Baltic States, we decided to take our time and enjoy the scenery and to some camping along the way. We spent our first few nights on the beach with nothing more than some mats and sleeping bags. For me, this was the best! There is something so special about having only what you need just seeing what happens next. This was our motto for the next three days as we continued to make our way up north to Estonia for the first camp.
Our job at camp was to connect with the leaders and the students and document through pictures and video what was happening at camp. Another big goal of ours was to gather testimonies about how Jesus is changing lives. We want to tell the stories of the great things God is doing in this part of world. There are so many stories! We were blessed to be able to gather quite a handful of testimonies so far. Every story is so full of hope, redemption, the work of Jesus, and SO MUCH LIGHT. Our hope is to declare what God has done and magnify Him as the gospel continues to penetrate heart, body, and soul. "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you." - Luke 8:39
We returned to Czech on Sunday the 5th after a long long long drive home. Driving through the night is not always the funnest, but we were eager to get home to get some rest. It was well needed. We did our fair share of stopping to take photos along the way as well. Here are a few of some of our candids. Also...I cut my hair! There is nothing more that I will say other than that it was time. :)