Prague. Faithfulness. Friends.

God is a God of faithfulness. He keeps His promises! This past week I was reminded of these truths as we celebrated with Josiah Venture 20 years of ministry in Central and Eastern Europe and God's faithfulness to reach youth in this part of the world. I was also reminded of God's faithfulness in my own life. Nearly 10 years ago was when my friend Chad and I began doing bible studies with a youth leader in our church who's name is Cory. Cory taught us how to study the bible and challenged us to live a life that was worthy of the calling of Christ. I am thankful for Cory's obedience and love for the Word and command that Jesus gave in Matthew 28 when He says "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commended you." Now, close to 10 years later from when my relationship with Cory first began, we are both living as missionaries in Eastern Europe doing ministry and making disciples of Jesus. Chad (who I mentioned earlier) and his wife are also preparing to move out here as missionaries to Albania. When I look back throughout the course of those years, and I see a lot of grace. Chad and I were just two punks who wanted to really begin surrendering our lives to Christ and living for Him. Cory was the guy that God used to help us start walking closer with Him. This is just a small picture of God's faithfulness and how He keeps His promises. May HE receive all of the glory!

Cory and his family were in the Czech Republic this past week for Josiah Ventures fall conference and the 20th year anniversary celebration of Josiah Venture. At the end of the week we had the opportunity to spend some extra time together before they headed back to Albania. A few days in Prague seemed the perfect place to spend it. Here are a few shots from our time together. Cory and Kristine have a daughter. Her name is Shiloh and she is very cute. She will melt your heart away.